Monday, February 8, 2010

Tonight's Homework

I have completed tonight's homework as well. Students need to complete the second draft, and add transitions and examples in the body of the essay. I have added transitions in black, and I have added examples to paragraph 1.

Introduction & Conclusion-SAMPLE from PERIOD 1's Essay

Use the example introduction and the example conclusion as a model to help you as you write your own introduction and conclusion.

A little Late...

Sorry for posting this so late. I was taking care of work. When I arrived at my home, I ate dinner and decided to make cookies. But now I am doing our homework for class. Below I have posted the body paragraphs my period 1 class and I have been working on together.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Websites to Check Out...


Homework Help

Homework tonight is to create the introduction paragraph for the composition that addresses the prompt, "why is college important?"

The first paragraph (above) is from period 5 Support ELA, and the second paragraph (below) is from period 4 Support ELA.